Group Support Committee

The Group Support Committee (GSC) consists of parents and other interested persons who support the work of the uniformed Leaders. This support is given in a practical way by the provision of a Group meeting venue, equipment and other facilities. The Group Support Committee is important to the wellbeing of your Group. The Committee meets 4 times per year on the third week of each term.

Parents or guardians are also expected to support fund raising activities of their Group and of other levels of Scouting from time to time. This support avoids the necessity of having much higher Registration and Subscription Fees.

The GSC postions are:

  • Group Leader
  • Chairperson
  • Capital Works / Trustee
  • Treasurer
  • Assistant Treasurer / Registrar
  • Secretary
  • Communications
  • Hall Hire
  • Fundraiser support member
  • Fundraiser support member